Smart City & Citizens – what happens in Helsinki and how to be part of it?

Artikkelikuva: Smart City & Citizens – what happens in Helsinki and how to be part of it?

Solve City of Helsinki’s competition challenges in SlushHacks & Ultrahack, Open Finland Challenge and Smart City App Hack competitions

City of Helsinki’s competition challenge seeks new innovative apps utilizing open data and relating to some of the following themes: urban mobility, energy & emissions, culture & tourism, retail & shopping, and collaborative city.

City of Helsinki has published large amounts of open data via service. Now, the city wants to promote developers and designers to create on this new apps, visualisations, and dashboards tutilizing this open data and helping to get an overview what is happening in Helsinki or how Helsinki has evolved and is currently evolving. The end result can be for instance a mobile app helping tourists to find relevant interesting events or an app helping residents of Helsinki to partcipate in the city decision making.

You can partcipate with your competition entry simultaneously in three different competitions: to the national Open Finland Challenge challenge as well as to the international Smart City App Hack and SlushHacks challenges.

You can submit entries to Smart City App Hack until the 18th of October and to Open Finland Challenge until the 1st of November. To participate to SlushHacks, you need to register. Preregistration to SlushHacks and its Ultrahack competition is already open at

City of Helsinki promotes and supports the utilization of open data and API’s available via service. To ease the utilization of open data, the city points out theme related open data sets as well as contact persons that can give further advice. These contacts and materials are listed on the Open Finland Challenge’s website.

You can get additional information on the themes of urban mobility, energy & emissions, culture & tourism, retail & shopping, and collaborative city here: Take a look at the available open data here:


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